So… Sophia the Sonata has sadly gone onto the car garage above aka car heaven. Let’s all take a moment of silence to remember the great Hyundai Sonata that was Sophia. May she rest in car peace.
Let me explain how this came to be.

As you guys know, I have been driving for Amazon for nearly a year now for extra extra money. this extra money was used pay down my credit cards. As you may know, I currently have just one card left. ONE! I cannot believe that, considering where I started. I was a machine paying down my cards. My plan was to pay off all my credit cards, then pay down a few other things. Once I became comfortable with my debt level, my goal was to save up for a down payment for a brand new car. I wasn’t going to get rid of Sophia. Who wants to get rid of a low mileage, paid off car? Umm no one. I wanted to get my dream car. What is said dream car, you ask? Well its a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I wanted a 2022 or 2023 (depending on how long it would take to save the down payment). Hell I have the car as my background on all of my computers, personal and work. The pictures are plastered all over my house as well.
June 9, 2021, is a day for the books. It was the day of my latest car accident and it wasn’t even my fault. I had picked up an Amazon route. It was a 4 hour route for $100, that I had finished early (8:30). I delivered to Mebane. I had just stopped for my dinner and was heading North on I-85, doing my usual 70mph (limit is 65) using adaptive cruise control. When out of nowhere (I understand this saying even better now) comes a buck from the guard-railed protected median. I remember saying De- and then wham. I hit the deer. I was in complete shock. Complete shock!! Next thing I know my navigation system says Crash Notification and someone is coming through the Hyundai SOS system telling me to pull over. Thankfully, the highway wasn’t busy or it could have been worse. Then again if it was busy, he might not have been there. I pulled over, talked to the Hyundai lady from SOS and then called my mom on my cell phone. I then called my brother-in-law to come get me since he was the closest. He beat the state trooper and the tow truck (more on this later). The state trooper was cool. He wrote up the report, made a few funny remarks about the buck (“Well he cleared southbound but he ain’t clearing northbound tonight”) and went on his way.

Now to the tow truck. My car was out of the 5 year service for the Hyundai towing, so they sent me to AAA. It was going to cost me about $200 to get it towed home. So I paid and waited, and waited, and waited some more. 3.5 hours of waiting with my brother-in-law on the side of I-85N. Turns out AAA had plenty of trucks, but no drivers. Like what the hell?! 3.5 hours wasted. So I said ” F it. I’m calling State Farm.” Within 30 minutes of me filing my claim and returning home, a tow truck driver had called to let me know he was on the way. After he arrived, I parked her as far down in the driveway as possible to avoid any questions. Tow truck driver was friendly, especially given the fact he arrived well after 1 am.

Thursday when I woke up, I didn’t feel like doing anything. I was so wired from the night before, I couldn’t sleep. It finally caught up to me the next morning. I told my boss about what happened and took the morning off. I called the insurance company and got everything straight. I then went outside to my car, saw the damage, and shed some serious serious tears. It finally hit me what had happened. I HAD HIT A FREAKING DEER!
I am going to miss Sophia. She was a great car. She had almost no issues, and the ones she had were covered by the warranty. She is one who will be greatly missed. Honestly, looking back, I wished I had treated her a lot better. Maybe washed her a little more, kept her inside clean, thanked her more. She was a god send. She had all the amenities someone could ask for. Heated seats and heated steering wheel (yea I hear you), moonroof , and a large navigation system. She will be truly missed. As I think of her right now, I’m upset by the way I treated her and am shedding a few tears just thinking about it. The best thing about her was that she was paid off. Almost a year ago to the day. I’m smiling now thinking about the day I got the car title in the mail from the loan company. It was a joyous day because it was the first time I had ever seen one because she was the first and only car I had ever paid off. I will miss her as much as I miss my first car, Sally the Saturn. RIP to the both of them.