Good day my blogging friends. I hope your holidays went well and your new year is off to a great start. Recently I’ve been thinking (this can be dangerous). I’ve decided that I am going to finally open up an online store. That’s right. An online store! I’m debating whether to open the store on Etsy, another marketplace, or just creating my own online store website. That decision will come after I create a Pro/Con list for each option. What will I sell, you ask? Well that’s easy. Homemade goods, of course. I’m thinking bags, quilts, aprons, bookmarks. The list is endless. Its not but you get the gist. I’m getting really excited about this. Can’t you tell?!
This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time but I kept coming up with excuse after excuse, like I have no inventory or I don’t have the time with my job and side jobs. Well no more. Time to turn this fantasy into a much-loved reality. I hope you come along for the ride and perhaps purchase an item or two.
Something I know I’m going to be doing is posting blogs about the items I list for sale. The blogs will list the types of materials I used and will include photos and the method for the creation of such beautiful items. At the end of the blog, I will put a link to the item in my store and its various varieties. That way if someone loves the item they just read about, then they can click the link and order the product. Perfect for all involved. Is it time to cue the excitement?
No matter what way I end up going, my store will be called Erica’s Crafty Creations. I settled on that back in 2017 when I first came up with the idea for an online store. Yes 2017! 5-6 years ago. Crazy right?! Business cards had been made up, listing a website url ( and a company email ( I even had a logo designed with my own cute tagline “Sew what’s on your mind…”. I also had company tags made that could be sewn into the items for identification. My store adventure was ready to get up and running.

What happened you ask? Well self doubt happened, then studying for the CPA exams, and debt. The pandemic would have been a great time to work on the inventory for my store but I took that time to pay down debt. But now I’m back. Self-doubt is gone, as is the CPA exams. The debt you asked?! Well that’s another blog post for another day. Be on the lookout for it and others.
Stay creative everyone.