
My Craft Business is Now Live!

Posted by Erica

Hi readers, guess what?! The website for my craft store is now up and running! That’s right, my website is now live! OMG, I’m so excited. So excited that I can barely contain myself. My dream of running my own shop is finally a reality and I’m ecstatic about it. Erica’s Crafty Creations is now available to all to view. is up and ready for all to skim. Right now I only have a few things for sale, so the shop is a work in progress, but new items will drop each month and quarterly sales will definitely follow.

Currently, I have a few colorful quilts, lunch bags, and baby burp cloths for sale. Pretty soon, those items will be joined by oven mitts, tote bags, aprons, and so much more. The possibilities are endless. I’m excited for all of you to browse my site and perhaps even purchase an item or two. We’re ready!

In addition to my new website, this year I’m trying to do local craft shows and fairs to get my company name out into the local handmade market community. So stay tuned to see craft fair updates. If your local, please come out to see and support us, I like to communicate with my readers and customers whenever possible. If you cannot make it, feel free to email me at If you prefer social media, head over to our Instagram account where we update a few times a week at ericascraftycreations. I look forward to hearing from you.

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