It’s a new year. 2017! The year of my 31st birthday (I had to throw that in there).

Let’s start with the resolutions. Usually I make a resolution to stop biting my nails. Not anymore.
I also typically make a resolution to exercise more (who doesn’t), but again already in progress. i started thinking to myself “what do I want to accomplish this year.” And I have a few things on the list
1) Play more with my dog
2) Cut back on cursing/cussing
3) Cook more/eat out less
4) Pay down debt
5) Take better care of myself
I think they are all obtainable, which is the only resolutions I resound to make. People usually make resolutions they know they can’t stick to. At least I’m realistic.
Anyhoo, let’s discuss these resolutions one by one.
1) I believe this is self-explanatory. I want to burn some of his energy out and work on his obedience. He’s a jumping machine. Besides its a two way street. I want to run his energy down so that I can have a little time to myself.
2) Again self-explanatory. I curse like a sailor.
3) Again self-explanatory. I spend too much money on eating out. Its time to tighten the purse strings and put that money elsewhere.
4) I have quite a bit of debt thanks to my student loans so I want to pay them down. I also purchased a new vehicle (thanks to my previous vehicle being totaled). I have three student loans. I would like to pay off the smallest one by the end of the year. Whether its my hours, my car, or my student loans ( which I prefer) I want to pay them down. I will sell stuff online, take surveys, whatever I have to do. I will keep you guys posted on my progress.
5) I want to take better care of myself. I think everyone has the good intentions of trying it. That means a plethora of things. I want to exercise at least 30 minutes a date. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercising, just a vigorous walk or speed walking. I’m already off on the right foot, I’m doing a 30 day squat challenge and I’m doing about 100-110 a day now. I also want to make sure I’m taking my medication everyday. I have high cholesterol and some days I forget to take it. No more. I want to take better care of my skin too. Its the only one I have and I have to make sure its clean and well moisturized. As for my hair, well I’m working on it and I’ll get back to you on that.
Here’s to hoping I keep my resolutions intact.
To all my followers and readers, May your 2017 be blessed and more amazing than your 2016.