Your reading the title and thinking “hmm what does one have to do with the other”. I’ll tell you. If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you would know that I just purchased a home a little more than a month and a half ago. You would also know that there are a few things that i don’t like about the house. The floors being one of them. So I purchased some Cali Bamboo flooring. They are gorgeous floors but expensive ($4.80/square foot expensive). So anyway I needed 28 boxes (27.01 square feet per box) to fill my home. Since Lowe’s wouldn’t deliver that much to my home, I had to have it shipped to the store and then bring it home. That’s where the problems started.
Let’s back it up some. So a co-worker of mine, lets call him “Bill”, has been helping me out around my house. Little things here and there, like measuring the room so I know how much flooring to get, or fixing the doorway so the storm door doesn’t slam, stuff like that. Anyway, I have informed “Bill” quiet a few times that I am not interested in him or in dating in general. Not only have a said it, I have shown it with my actions. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. He’s asked me about dating and I have stated that I’m not in to dating and that when I am I will date someone in my age range. Newsflash I gave him my age range. He wasn’t in it. See “Bill” is 42. I am 30. My age range is NEVER more than 8 years older than myself or 3 years younger than myself, so right now that’s 27-38. I know it doesn’t go with the picture below that I recently found online,
which if I was to go by, my dating age range would be 22-46. That’s a 24 year age limit. That’s crazy! 22 years old. That’s nearly my youngest sister’s age. and 46(!) that’s my mother’s age. That’s just flat out disgusting.
Anyway back to the topic at hand. He asked me about sex. I explained in very much detail that I am not having sex until I am in a committed relationship and a committed relationship is with a guy in my selected age range. Again a range he is not in. Still he wasn’t getting it.
So “Bill” offered to deliver my flooring to my house, which was kind of him. After he did all that he went home.
Then “Bill” offered to install the flooring for me. That was also very friendly of him. I asked him how much he charged and he stated $25 an hour. That’s not a bad price, if you consider that once he shows me how to do it, he can be gone. So now we had to pick a time for him to do it. He of course was going to have to go room by room because hardwood floors take a while and it ain’t easy. We decided on Sunday, October 30th, the day before Halloween. We decided on that day because he was off on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We started at about 8:30 and worked well into the day. By 2 o’clock, we had the master bedroom completed almost (with the exception of the edge by the bedroom door). It wouldn’t have taken so long except for the fact of the bathroom doorway. Who knew it was that uneven
Anywoo he couldn’t finish that day because he had other things to do, including a work-involved softball game. He was the pitcher. Anyway, before he left he tried to kiss me and I moved away and avoided the kiss. Like eww no. Before he left, he stated that he was off Monday-Wednesday and could do more of the flooring on Tuesday. However, he wanted me to be home when he came. He said he doesn’t work on anyone’s home if they aren’t there. That’s bullshit. He used to run his own business of
So he went to the game and apparently got hurt in the game. I didn’t ask questions mainly because this is the second time he’s gotten hurt. The first time he got hurt, he pitched a ball and the person hit it. He saw it coming and tried to avoid it by turning around and ducking but he caught the ball to the back of his kneecap. So he had a softball sized bruise when he came over. On Monday, I emailed and texted him. I informed him that he left his coat and I asked him if he was coming over to finish the floors on Tuesday. I got a response back THE NEXT DAY saying “I’m tired of your attitude. Find someone else to finish.” So since I’m not interested in him, he doesn’t want to help me anymore. What a complete asshole! I have told him on multiple occasions that I wasn’t interested but apparently he wasn’t hearing it. I’m thinking “what changed all of a sudden for it to click in his mind that I don’t want him?” Help me understand this people. So because I don’t want to sleep with him, I’m not worthy of being helped?
So since he didn’t want to help me any longer, that meant my floors may not have been done before my housewarming party. Thankfully, my family stepped in and helped me with the flooring. They finished installing it in the guest bedroom and closet, the hallway and the living room. The only area that remains to be finished is the office (which is tile) and the master bedroom closet.
Below is the master bedroom flooring that Bill put in and that I helped him with. Its gorgeous isn’t it?!

Since Bill has places to be he couldn’t help me put back the furniture. Shocker. So I put it back myself. I must say the flooring looks great with my bedroom furniture.

I swear men. They say women are hard to understand and that we are manipulative. Well, so are they. They just call it something else.