
Guess Who’s Back Baby!

Posted by Erica

Good morning friends. I’m baccckkk. That’s right, I am back from my hiatus and I’m ecstatic.

If you weren’t aware, I took a hiatus about two years and some change ago to focus on getting my CPA (Certified Public Accounting) license. If you don’t know, in order to get a CPA license, one needs to pass four exams in an eighteen month rolling timeframe. Each exam is approximately 4.5 hours long and you must receive at least a 75 on each exam. Crazy right?! The “strip search” they make you go through before you are allowed to take the exam is even crazier. I joke about the strip search but not really. They make you clear out your pockets, take off your shoes, check your socks, hoodies/coats/jackets, and even your sleeves. They even check your glasses and ears. You cannot wear any jewelry unless its a wedding band (which they check) or cultural. All of this effort makes no sense to me as they have a camera on you the entire time you are taking your exam. I wanted to get the license because I wanted to get a new job earning more money. I was stuck in an accounts payable rut. The only jobs that I was being offered was AP positions. We all know that i am more qualified than that. The degrees aren’t going to pay for themselves.

You’re probably thinking that since I’m back from hiatus that I got the license. Well sadly I didn’t get my license but I did get a new job. I am now a budget analyst at a new company. A new company within spitting distance of my old one. And surprise surprise, I still work part-time for the old one. I go in twice a week for the current job, however if I get the work caught up, its down to one day a week.

My new job is awesome and a lot less time-consuming so it allows me to jump back into my hobbies. The things that keep me sane. And I’m super excited for it. I’m back into reading, sewing, quilting and blogging. I even started a new book blog. Head over to The last time I remember being this happy is a couple of years ago. I may still go in for the CPA license but for now its on the back burner.

Be on the lookout for more posts because as I said, I’mmmmm baccccckkkkk.

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