Hi readers, it’s time to start thinking about this years Christmas presents. Yes I know it’s June, but I have quite a few family members and planning has to start early so money isn’t spent all at once. I have 7-9 people to make gifts for. And this year, well this year, everyone is going to be getting quilts. Yep quilts! I know this is a large task. I mean 8-10 quilts in 6 months seems like an unimaginable feat, but I am up for the challenge. To be honest, if I have fabric and a sewing pattern, I can sew a quilt top over a weekend. So mom, stepdad, 2 younger sisters, 1 brother-in-law, 1 niece, and 1 nephew (the other nephew already has one). I also have 2 step-siblings. Depending on the time, they may or may not get a quilt. I love them but time is of the essence. They’ll probably each get one after Christmas.

I already have a few ideas for most of my family members
Youngest sister – loves Scooby-Doo and The Little Mermaid
Mom – I’m going to let her pick the pattern and the fabric
Stepdad – something Carolina Panthers related
Nephew – Mickey Mouse related
Niece – Heart shaped quilt created by Piece & Love https://youtu.be/DfuFMorMgEA
Good ideas right?! Now I just need ideas for my brother-in-law and my middle sister. Got any ideas?
Stay tuned readers. My blog is about to have a color explosion. You get color, you get color, you get color. It’s going to be amazing. Ohhhhh I’m so excited. Color, color everywhere. My dream.