I am so happy to see 2020 in the rearview mirror of life, I don’t know what to do. I started 2021 off the same way I always do, falling asleep 20 minutes before the ball dropped and waking up a few minutes afterwards and saying Happy New Year. I’ve already decided that 2021 would be nothing like 2020. So I’ve decided that 2021 will be the year of debt. Yeah I said it, DEBT. Last year I paid off one card in full and was this close to paying off two more. Unfortunately I purchased myself some Christmas presents and my car needed a bit of work (new brake pads and oil), so it went out the window a bit, but I’m prepared this year. I’m taking no prisoners/
I currently have about $24,500 in debt spanning 4 credit cards. That’s about 65% of my utilization rate. After doing some calculations, I figured I could have 1 card paid off by the end of the month, and another by the end of February. I’m using the snowball method to pay down the debt.

I did a flip flop with the two lowest amounts simply because one reports to all credit bureaus and the other doesn’t. There was about a $300 difference between them. I want to have all my credit card debt paid off by the end of 2021. That’s a high task but I think I can do with a little maneuvering and a few side hustles.
I have things I want to accomplish once this ball busting debt is paid off. I want to pay CASH for a new automobile. I want to remodel my 1980s kitchen that doesn’t work. I want to take a trip out of the country (assuming the worldwide pandemic is over), etc. I am up for the challenge. Updates will be provided monthly, starting at the end of January 2021. Hopefully you guys will comment with your ambitions and goals for the 2021 year.